kisee sthaayee roop men rakhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. This magnetization is no longer parallel to the track and on the tapes, but perpendicular the plane of the disk, which can record and read without contact, optical methods 2. This method "impressionistic" can claim to make a complete record of all practices existing agreement at a time in an economy 3. This model, which we mentioned extreme mathematical complexity obviously has countless applications which are denied to the record here 4. This passion of a faithful record to the first reality should dispel exaggerated distrust of the Journal 5. Ultimately, despite its discredit, and in terms of the objectives it has set itself, the Juppé government's record in 1996 is much less negative than it seems

Given are the examples of hindi word kisee sthaayee roop men rakhana usage in english sentences. The examples of kisee sthaayee roop men rakhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., record.

Observation involves employing systematic, organised, and objective procedures to record behavioural phenomena occurring naturally in real time.

A good Q and scholastic record is not enough to be successful in life.
So they set up record rooms attached to all administrative institutions.
The village tahsildar s office, the collectorate, the commissioner s office, the provincial secretariats, the lawcourts all had their record rooms.
Nowadays electronic voting machines (E M) are used to record votes.
Another error is to record an equal debit and credit of an incorrect amount.
As a result, the fact that the trial balance has tallied does not imply that all entries in the books of original record (journal, cash book, etc.
Examples of such errors are complete omission to record an entry in the books of original entry; wrong recording of transactions in the book of accounts; complete omission of posting to the wrong account on the correct side.
Do you know what a diary is? It is a record of personal experiences written day after day over a long period of time.
Each employee is identified by a unique data value called EmpId, which in turn gets reflected in employee table as a column to store for each employee record a unique identification value.
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